Multidimensional Soul Integration

Multidimensional Soul Integration sessions will expedite your ascension! This unique modality, created by JJ Brighton (Activations With JJ), brings in multidimensional aspects of yourself, raising your frequency and vibration, and expanding your light body.

These sessions are designed to empower you to move towards being a self-sufficient healer, as you integrate aspects of self that carry incredible wisdom, knowledge, gifts and abilities. These sessions are suitable for those who have previously done some form of past/parallel life exploration.

Image of Lauren

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Laurie, USA

‘Lauren is pure magic! I have been very interested in light language and wanted to learn more. I was guided to Lauren and after Holy Fire Reiki sessions with her everything started clicking into place. My light language has taken off since working with Lauren, and the activations have opened up my channeling abilities.

I have learned so much more about myself during this process and have been able to clear and heal what no longer serves me. Lauren has been such a blessing in my life.

Thank you for this precious gift, the gift of remembrance.'